Why I Haven’t Been Getting Job Offers ⋆ Musgrove | Website of Michael B. Musgrove | About | Writing | Marketing | Life Lessons | 3D printing | Cooking | South Carolina | Cecelia | Music

Michael B. Musgrove
5 min readJul 29, 2021

Epiphany! I finally figured out why I haven’t been getting hired, and why no one was telling me.

After months of applying to hundreds of jobs, going through countless interviews, Zoom meetings, and being introduced to everyone from the Founder and CEO to the janitor and night watchman at most places, which is a process that spanned weeks & months, I finally figured it out today.

I had been resistant to blaming being passed over on the 99-yard line each and every time after months of interviews at companies on eternal factors. It would seem easy to just cast blame on me being a middle-aged white guy in the middle of a new, Woke America. I don’t buy into all that racism and separatist jive and think it’s a negative place to be. No one thought like that until modern politics and media loomed more heavily from above over the past 13 years and America has been redefined culturally by those that aim to do so and spend their vast amounts of free time and money doing it. And the USA is worse, not better for it, in my opinion. But that’s another topic.



Michael B. Musgrove

Featured in HBR (Oct. 11), MBA, published author and marketing professor. To start with.