Talking to My Ex-Wife for the 1st Time in 4 Years

Michael B. Musgrove
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

So I met with her today to tell her of my plans to move back to my home state of SC. And take our 5-year-old daughter with me in the near future.

Her mind, although clouded by ego, feelings, prejudice, and misperception, was open.

I haven’t even been able to look at my ex-wife after what she did to me for nearly four years. Much less talk to her. She crossed me worse than anyone ever has. And still won’t admit it or take responsibility. Not for marital problems, of which there were few if any. For wantonly destroying our family and my life. I don’t blame her, however. I blame myself for being so stupid for allowing myself to be manipulated into such a position. I was used up and allowed myself to be like a schmuck. Love will blind you to everything if you allow it.

Total meeting time at a desolate restaurant: 3 hours. No fights or stress. I stated my case, was careful not to get off-topic, start blaming or pointing out deficiencies and reasons for us to be in the awful states we’re in and we parted ways amicably. A success.

She left me to be free to do whatever she wanted, which was to immediately remarry a younger man. Who contracted Stage 4 lymphoma and now after kicking him out of the house while going through chemo, she’s about to find herself a widow, 3 husbands in. Her oldest daughter, now 18, still lives with her, and will continue to do so as long as possible I have feeling. She created that type of dependence. And she also has her dying…



Michael B. Musgrove

Featured in HBR (Oct. 11), MBA, published author and marketing professor. To start with.